Junior Singing Course
Intermediate Singing Course

本課程為希望考達 皇家音樂學院 1-3 級程度的學員而設。 教授歌唱基本功,包括:如何使用橫隔膜、聲音控制、聲音位置及掌握音準。學員藉著訓練音樂會,建立自信。 當學生達至一定水平,導師將鼓勵學員報考相應程度的 皇家音樂學院 考試。
The Junior course is structured to help you understand some basic singing techniques: Usage of diaphragm, breathing control, voice positioning and intonation etc.
Through concert practice you will gain stage experience and build greater confidence in an actual performance. Students are encouraged to take certain level of ABRSM’s exam when they are ready. Repertoire is covering the ABRSM’s Grade 1-3 syllabus.

本課程為已考獲皇家音樂學院3級程度或具備同等程度(須通過本校導師的試音鑑定)的學員而設。 課程將進一步教授學員掌握呼吸技巧、加強氣息和聲音的配合、共鳴腔的使用,以及逐步擴闊音域及音量等。曲目主要選取自教授皇家音樂學院 4-5 級考試範圍或相等程度曲目。當學生達至一定水平,導師將鼓勵學員報考相應程度的皇家音樂學院考試。
intermediate Level is for those who passed Junior Level, or with equivalent skills (audition required). This course will further explore breathing techniques, strengthen your coordination of head voice and chest voice, establish a proficient range and to give you a more incisive view of interpreting your repertoire.
Ensemble classes on this level will help you expand your ensemble repertoire and improve your ensemble singing skills, knowing how to blend your voice with others by singing excerpts from operas and musicals. Repertoire covers the ABRSM’s Grade 4-5 syllabus. Students are encouraged to take certain levels of ABRSM’s exams when they are ready.
Senior Singing Course

本課程為已考獲 皇家音樂學院5級程度,或具備同等資格(須通過本校導師的試音鑑定)的學生而設。 課程將進深地提高學員音色的運用、加強頭聲胸聲協調、分析及掌握不同音樂風格之曲目等。學員有機會透過歌劇或音樂劇的選段,學習與他人合唱的技巧令歌藝進一步提升;並會研習皇家音樂學院 考試6-8級程度之曲目。 學生在到達一定水平後,導師將鼓勵報考相應程度的皇家音樂學院考試。
This level is designed for students who have participated and passed intermediate Level, or with equivalent skills (audition required).
Much intensive training of singing techniques, profound interpreting skills of repertoire and innovatory acting workshops aim at further unleashing students’ potential. Equipping singers’ capability to become versatile professionals who are able to manage the complexities of professional performance either at concert halls or theatres. Repertoire covers the ABRSM’s Grade 6-8 syllabus. Students are encouraged to take certain levels of ABRSM’s exams when they are ready.
Advanced Singing Course

除了更密集的歌唱技巧訓練,更深入的演繹技巧傳授,還有充滿創意的演技工作坊發掘學生的表演潛能,以應付更複雜的音樂會以及劇場演出,為成為專業歌手做好準備。曲目範疇根據英國皇家音樂學院文憑及聖三一音樂學院之 ATCL, LTCL 及 FTCL 考試曲目而制定。我們也鼓勵學生在達到足夠水平後報考相關之考試。
This level is designed for students who have participated and passed intermediate Level, or with equivalent skills.
(audition required)
Much intensive training of singing techniques, profound interpreting skills of repertoire and innovatory acting workshops aim at further unleashing students’ potential. Equipping singers’ capability to become versatile professionals who are able to manage the complexities of professional performance either at concert halls or theatres. Repertoire covers the syllabus of ABRSM’s Diploma and Trinity College of Music's ATCL, LTCL and FTCL exams. Students will be encouraged to take ABRSM’s or Trinity College of Music exams when they are ready.

AAM「流行歌唱課程」,由《超級巨聲》指定歌唱指導 周小君 老師親自傳授流行曲的演唱技巧。
周小君老師具豐富廣東及國語流行曲演唱經驗,多年擔任各著名歌手演唱會及唱片和音,為多個電影及廣告錄製幕後代唱,更是不少著名流行歌手的歌唱老師,包括 梁詠琪、楊千嬅、古天樂、周慧敏 等等。
Individual Singing Lesson

艾莉亞音樂學院 的 個別獨唱課 以名師親授專業歌唱技巧為本、加上全面的課程內容及更深入的學習安排,為學員打好穩固聲樂根基,以達成更進階的學習目標!
Besides group singing classes, AAM also provides individual lessons to further polish your singing technique. Our top teaching staff with great mentoring skills ensure students to maintain their own uniqueness with absolute vocal health.
Hymn Singing Class

- 學習正確的發聲技巧
- 和聲訓練
- 詩歌演繹
- 包括傳統及現代詩歌
- 16歲以上
- 有意提升詩歌歌唱技巧
- 於教會參與詩班、敬拜事奉的肢體