Alex Tam
院長 | 藝術總監
President | Artistic Director
男高音,合唱指揮,及作曲家。譚天樂 現為香港歌劇院合唱總監,香港演藝學院合唱指揮,及聲樂系導師,香港兒童合唱團指揮及香港作曲家及作詞家協會會員。
譚氏曾在世界各地不少音樂會,歌劇和其他製作中擔任要角,當中超過三十個歌劇角色,十九歲即演出普契尼《強尼.斯基基》中的雷諾喬一角,大獲好評;隨後又演出其他角色,如亞馬維瓦伯爵《西維爾的理髮師》、佛蘭多《女人心》、尼莫連奴《愛情靈藥》、東尼奧《軍團的女兒》、 冥王《地獄中的奧爾菲斯》、 莫札特《莫札特與薩埃耶理》、龐大臣《杜蘭朵》、 提寶 《 羅密歐與茱麗葉 》、耶尼克《被出賣的新娘》、五郎《蝴蝶夫人》、莫諾斯塔托《魔笛》、拉門達度《卡門》、加斯東《茶花女》、利卡度《父親學堂》、 阿圖羅《拉美默爾的露琪亞》、亞瑟《拉美爾山莊的露茜亞》、史波雷塔《托斯卡》、 梅爾康《馬克白》、佩佩《小丑》、唐.巴西利奧及 唐.庫爾喬《費加羅的婚禮》、蘭爾瑪伯爵《唐.卡洛》、 盧斯《唱遊詩人》等。
譚天樂也在不少神劇、彌撒曲和音樂會中擔任獨唱,包括跟利靈大師合作,巴赫的《B小調彌撒曲》、海頓的《創世記》和莫札特的《C小調彌撒曲》。巴赫的《聖母頌歌》和《聖馬太受難曲》、貝多分的《莊嚴彌撒曲》、《第九交響樂》、莫札特的《安魂曲》 、安德魯洛伊韋伯的《安魂曲》 、契考特的《安魂曲》、韓德爾的《猶大馬加比亞》和《彌賽亞》、及奧爾夫的《卡圖利之歌》。在2000年的法國五月節,他獲邀請與傑出的法國女高音伊利沙伯.維度攜手合作舉辦演唱會。亦是《光影歌聲》的其中一位獨唱家。他亦為美國作曲家特列迪奇的兩首當代作品作亞洲首演。2002 及 2013年香港藝術節,亦被邀請演出巴哈的《咖啡清唱劇》和歌劇《蕭紅》。
剛於2011及2013年,譚天樂以合唱總監的身分帶領香港兒童合唱團與香港管弦樂團合作《交響聖誕天使》及,佛漢威廉士的 《第七 - 南極交響曲》。2015年由香港電台,香港歌劇院及香港青年協會合辦的《譜Teen同唱》萬人音樂會中,譚天樂被委任為合唱總監,以貝多芬的《第九(合唱)交響樂》打破健力士世界紀錄。2016年被委任為香港青年協會賽馬會 - 香港國際無伴奏合唱節的藝術總監。以表揚他在音樂領域上的貢獻,譚氏分別於2017獲英國皇家音樂學院頒發ARAM 榮銜,及2018年獲香港音樂及舞蹈聯會頒發「傑出音樂家大獎」。2023年更被香港理工大學委任為駐校藝術家(2023-24)。譚天樂現任香港歌劇院合唱團總監、艾莉亞音樂學院院長、香港演藝學院及香港理工大學的合唱團指揮,亦為香港電台第四台《歌劇世界》節目主持。
Born in Hong Kong, opera singer, choral conductor and composer, Alex Tam graduated from the Royal Academy of Music (RAM) Opera Course and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA). He began his music studies at an early age under Mr. Chiang Wai Man, and continued with Miss Rosaline Pi, Dr. Derek Anthony and Mr. Michael Rippon. He also had the opportunity to work with renowned artists such as Georg Tintner and Enza Ferrari at the HKAPA. Alex was studying with Miss Joy Mammen and Audrey Hyland at the RAM where he had sung in master classes by Dennis O’Neill and Robert Tear.
Alex had received numerous scholarships including ‘The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund' among many others. In 1999, he received the ‘Lady Fung Music Fellowship’ from the Asian Cultural Council to participate in the Aspen Music Festival in the United States.
Alex has taken leading roles in operas, concerts, and other productions worldwide. He has performed over 30 operatic roles, including his first major role at the age of 19 as Rinuccio in Puccini’s Gianni Schcchi. This success was followed by his performance of other lead characters such as, Almaviva (The Barber of Seville), Ferrando (Così fan tutte), Nemorino (L'elisir d'amore), Tonio (La fille du régiment), Pluto (Orphée aux enfers), Mozart (Korsakov’s Mozart und Salieri), Pong (Turandot), Tybalt (Roméo et Juliette), Testo (Monteverdi’s Il Combatimentto di Tancredi e Clorinda), Jenik (The Bartered Bride), Goro (Madama Butterfly), Monostatos (The Magic Flute), Remendado (Carmen), Gaston (La traviata), Melcolm (Macbeth), Arturo (Lucia di Lammermoor), Spoletta (Tosca), Beppe (I Pagliacci), Don Curzio & Don Basilio (Le nozze di Figaro), Ruiz (Il Trovatore), Count and Royal Herald (Don Carlos), and many others.
On the concert platform, Alex has appeared as a soloist in J.S. Bach’s ‘Mass in B minor’, Haydn's 'The Creation' & Mozart’s ‘Mass in C’, all under the baton of Maestro Helmuth Rilling, J.S. Bach’s ‘Magnificat’ and ‘St. Matthew Passion’, Beethoven’s ‘Missa Solemnis’, 'Choral Fantasy', and ‘Symphony No. 9’, Lloyd Webber's 'Requiem', Mozart’s ‘Requiem’, Handel’s ‘Judas Macabeaus’ and ‘Messiah’, Orff’s ‘Catulli Camina', Schubert’s ‘Mass in Eb’, Mendelssohn's 'Elijah', Gounod's 'Messe Solennelle', and Bob Chilcott’s ‘Requiem’. In Le French May 2000, Alex was both invited to give a duo concert with the French soprano Elisabeth Videl, and to be one of the soloists in ‘The Voices of Light’. Alex was also invited to perform leading roles in the Hong Kong Arts Festival 2002 & 2013, for ‘Coffee Cantata’ and a contemporary opera ‘Heart of Coral’ by Dr. Chan Hing Yan.
Alex has led the Hong Kong Children’s Choir as a chorus master in collaboration with the ‘HK Phil’ to perform 'Symphony with Christmas Angels' in 2011 and 'Sinfonia Antarctica' by Vaughan Williams in 2013. In 2015, Alex was appointed Chorus Master of a Guinness World Record-breaking event, "ODE TO JOY - Concert of Ten Thousand", co-presented by RTHK, HKFYG, and the Opera Hong Kong. In 2016, Alex was appointed Artistic Director of the "HKFYG Jockey Club Hong Kong International A Cappella Festival". In recognition of his significant contributions to the music profession, Alex received the ARAM award from the Royal Academy of Music, and the Outstanding Musician Award from the Hong Kong Music and Dance Association in 2017 and 2018 respectively. In 2023, Alex was appointed Artist in Residence (2023-24) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Alex is currently Chorus Director of Opera Hong Kong, founder of Aria Academy of Music, as well as choir conductor of PolyU and HKAPA. Alex is also a radio presenter on RTHK Radio 4.
As a composer, Alex's compositions have been featured in the 'Alex Tam Collection' published by CU Chorus as well as the 'Alex Tam Choral Collections for Treble Voices' published by The Hong Kong Children's Choir. In 2021, The HKCC presented two highly acclaimed performances titled ‘HKCC sings Alex Tam’ which exclusively showcased Alex's compositions.
Alex studied guitar and piano while following his vocal studies. He frequently appears as a jazz guitarist with his own band. He was invited to play the guitar by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. In June 2001, he performed with the Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti in Hong Kong. Alex is also active in the pop musical field, composing and arranging for numerous artists and television. His works include orchestral and concert arrangements for Andy Lau, Joey Yung, Hacken Lee, Justin Lo, Sally Yeh, Jeff Cheung and Chris Wong, to name a few. Alex is a member of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong.